In order to stay healthy during the festive season it is important to maintain a realistic viewpoint on your capabilities. Extra stimulants, additional socializing, an abundance of tempting treats, late nights, and a long list of ‘things to do’ can all add stress to your life. While both the nervous and immune systems are especially vulnerable at this time of year there are some steps you can take to stay on a healthy path.
Here are a few tips and nutrient dense foods that can support your health over the Holiday Season
- You can do it, but you can’t do it all. When your calendar is over full, prioritize and say “no thank you” to some of the requests/invitations. Then let go of the guilt.
- Healthy gut flora is essential for a strong immune system. Add fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, miso, kefir and full fat plain yoghurt to your meals.
- Cook with garlic, onions, ginger and turmeric. These contain antibacterial, antifungal anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties.
- Consume colorful antioxidant foods such as red peppers, berries, purple and red grapes, kale, citrus, and yams.
- Eat nervine foods such as almonds, poppy seeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, kelp, leafy greens, cold water fish, ginger and basil.
- Reduce stimulants, especially in the afternoon, by replacing coffee with matcha green tea or an herbal calming tea such as chamomile.
- Exercise! Ensure you schedule in your exercise routine. You can always decrease the duration in order to fit it in! Just ensure you fit it in!!!
- Sleep is essential for strong immunity and a steadfast nervous system. Sleep is when the body repairs and recovers from the stress of your day. Keep a bedtime ritual as often as possible aiming for 7-9 hours of sleep each night.
Have a happy, healthy holiday season ☺