Welcome to Curtis Health’s online resource center
to help support your Fitness & Wellness during these challenging times.

We are here to support you.

Welcome to Curtis Health’s online fitness, health, and wellness resource center. We have created this site to support you to maintain positive mental and physical health & well-being, while you adapt to your changing environment and lifestyle. 

New content will be added on a regular basis. To keep yourself healthy and well, please visit this site often for more inspiration and health and wellness information. If there are specific topics that you wish to address, or receive additional support or more information about, please feel free to send your suggestions to info@curtishealth.com 

Our Curtis Health team is here for you, so please feel free to reach out to your specific site contact (ie techflex@curtishealth.com) as needed for additional  motivation and healthy choice options.

Stay Safe, Healthy, and Active,

from your Curtis Health Team.


Video Personal Training

Video Personal Training

Please email personaltraining@curtishealth.com for more information or to purchase a program/package.  

Family Fun


Mindfulness & Meditation


Wellness Articles



Walking for your Health

Safe Sun Tips_2022

Get More Active This Summer_July

How to Improve Your Work-Life Balance

4 Tips to Avoid Burnout and Deal with Stress

Resiliance and Self Compasion

Strategies to Reduce Holiday Weight Gain

Forming Healthy Habits

Burnt Out Before You’ve Begun

Forest Bathing for Mindfulness and Well-Being

How to Shift from Self Judgement to Self Compassion


6 Strategies for Cultivating Happiness

Prologned Sitting

How to Optimize Your Virtual Meetings

Reduce Stress with Grounding Protocols

Boucing Back from Stress

Walking for Stress Managment

Breathing for Better Health

Helpfull Strategies for Coping with Stress & Anxiety

Music for Stress relief

Window of Tolerance

Holiday Stress Article

Tips for Winter Wellness

Seasonal Affective Disorder

How to get and stay focused
Staying Connected
Workplace Wellness article
Working From Home
Stress on the Body
Ageing and Bone Health
Alcohol consumption and warm weather
Benefits of HITT
7 Healthy Sleep Habits
Wellness Practices to Thrive
Letting Go
Mental Benefits of Sport
7 Tips for a successful workday
Take a Break
Finding Inspiration
Healthy Habits for Summer
Health Benefits of Camping
Overcoming Negative Thoughts
Running For your Mind
The link between exercise and your immune system
Finding Inspiration from Music
Intellectual Wellness
The Benefits of Making Art in isolation
Benefits of Silence
7 benefits of Being Kind
How to Relieve Anxiety
The Pressure to be Happy
Tech for our Lives
Mindfulness During Personal Isolation
Dimensions of Wellness
Morning Routines to Boost Energy
10 Positive Thinking Exercises
Acceptance Article
Creating Your Own Journal
7 Positivity Tips
Positivity and Reducing Stress
Finding Balance
Adjusting to Working from Home
Yoga Poses for Managing Stress
Building a Strong Immune System
On Your Own
Stay Social Connect Well

Webinar Recordings

Weigh to Go

Optimistic Mindset

Eating for Stress

Sleep Ezzz

Fitting Fitness into your “At-Home” Work Day

Stretch Break

Desk Stretches

Stretch Break – Handout

Stretch Break


Standing Stretch 2


Standing Stretch


Upper Body Stretch




Tele Health Coaching

If you know where you are now..
and know where you need to be but you are stuck…
Get there quickly and achieve life changing results with our wellness and health coaching!

Experience the freedom of finally making the shift to the person you always wanted to be, and stay in that happy place.

Over 10,000 people have gained positive and permanent changes in their overall health and wellness, self-care, stress and resilience, nutrition, weight loss, mental health, focus, energy, relationships and more through this effective, practical and easy-to-use system.

Featuring telephonic and online:
Heath and wellness Coaching
Nutrition Coaching
Learn more please visit:
or info@12weekstowellness.com
As a special Covid-19 event offering through this site, you will receive a free 20 minute action planning coaching session with our certified health coach. Code “Thrive”.

Recorded Virtual Classes