Our assessments, screenings and profiles are designed to put critical health data at your Fingertips. By identifying at-risk populations within your organization, you are better equipped to educate employees. Using detailed reporting tools, you will have the information you need to design customized programs and address identified risk factors. You can also track the progress of your at-risk members and optimize programs to fit their needs. With this approach, you can reduce costs while enhancing productivity, employee health and more.
Our Assessments
Health Risk Assessment (HRA) – This assessment takes about 30 minutes to complete. Each user is given an overview of their overall health, as well as a rating for each section. This score gives them a benchmark against future questionnaires so they can track their own progress. Users are given a detailed report on where they stand health wise, alongside an action plan designed to help them create realistic goals to improve their health.
Resilience and Well-being Profile (R & WBP) – This self-awareness tool is the first step to change. It helps the participant identify potential areas to include: lack of balance, unproductive coping skills, lifestyle compromise and health risks may contribute to the individual’s wellness, resilience and productivity challenges.
Readiness to Change Assessment – Our ability to change depends on our stage of readiness. The better prepared we are for change, the greater the chance we have to create long-term success. In this assessment, users can assess their own readiness to change, enabling them to create more realistic and attainable goals.
Health Screens and Health Risk Checks – Our biometric screening process offers mobile clinics, fitness assessments, mini health screens and health checks. These initiatives motivate clients to stay healthy, regain their health and motivate participants towards change.
Health Screening Examples Include: Blood pressure, BMI, cholesterol screens, online assessments and consultations
Health Screening Examples Include:
Blood pressure, BMI, cholesterol screens, online assessments and consultations.