Since October is Workplace Wellness Month, that will be the focus in our blog posts. Read the post below written by Curtis Health staff member, Nicole Wutschnik. It offers 4 suggestions on how you can improve your workplace happiness. Enjoy the read!
Let’s keep this simple. Chances are you’re reading this while you are on your break, and you likely already have a list of uncompleted tasks running through your mind. Perhaps you’re feeling overwhelmed and wonder how on earth you’re going to get through this work week, month, or year.
Believe it or not, you are able to find workplace happiness. Better yet, you can actually create it for yourself. Below are a couple of habits to equip you to build your workplace wellness. Start with one, and when you’re ready, add another.
- Choose goals worth striving for: It’s easier to look past temporary obstacles, problems, and irritants, when your focus is on a goal that is important to you.
- Manage Emotions and Have a Sense of Humor: Have you ever thought about something and then instantly became emotional? Whether it was thinking about morning traffic and becoming angry, or perhaps you recalled a good joke and a smile formed on your face. Acknowledging that you can change your emotions by directing your thoughts can have a hugely positive impact on your well-being. If a situation comes up that threatens to wrap you in negative energy, ask yourself how you can view this differently? Is there a positive side? What can I learn from this? Can I use this situation as an opportunity to develop qualities, such as patience, compassion, or kindness? Better yet, will I be able to laugh at this down the road?
- Don’t Get Caught Up: Happier people don’t get caught up in toxic workplace gossip. Instead of participating in heated negative conversation about issues or dynamics, focus your energy on your work, what you’re able to do, and what you have control over.
- Commit to Continuous Improvement: Perhaps you’ve hit a work plateau? Maybe you’re just not feeling like you’re making a difference? Adopt the belief that doing the best you can, whether it’s noticed or not, will give you deep satisfaction. Giving your best creates character and builds confidence, regardless of others noticing or caring.
Nicole Wutschnik is a Canfitpro certified personal trainer and fitness instructor, as well as a certified Zumba instructor. She works as a fitness and wellness coordinator for Curtis Personalized Health Management Ltd.