Not much rain in sight these days, what is heat stress? Heat stress is when your body’s cooling system can’t keep up with the heat, you end up dehydrated, and your temperature rises above 38 degrees Celsius. This is when heat-related illnesses can happen such as heat stroke, heat rash, and heat exhaustion. Read More→
From preventing heart disease, diabetes, cancer, or the common cold to improving sports performance, building muscle, losing fat, decreasing inflammation, or slowing signs of aging, the proclamations made by supplement and nutraceutical companies sound tempting and promising. Why not, like many Canadians, give it a go?
In a world where most of us are in the same spot, feeling the same, wondering when this will all end, questioning how it will affect each one of us, we have a choice. Many of us are at home. Some of us were not given a choice. Others chose to remain at home. Whatever the circumstance, we do not need to sit at home feeling down and gloomy. Today we have the choice to get up, move, smile, eat, be thankful, or wave from a safe distance to the neighbor alone in their home. We can still wake up and make the most of each day.
No matter what is going on around, we can choose to exercise. And if we choose, we must be intentional. I recommend that tonight, before bed, you lay out your clothes and set the alarm so that your workout can be one of the first things you do the next day. You don’t need a gym to move. You can still go outdoors, find a space in your home, or use the patio or the balcony. You can choose to keep moving.
How is your mental wellbeing? Are you stuck to the computer reading every news update, story, statistic, etcetera? If you are feeling down then limit your screen time. Find ways to fill your head with happiness instead. Call a family member or friend, read a book, listen to classical music, or do yoga.
Sleep is another important part of your life and another choice you control, so how much sleep are you getting? If you are an adult, 7 to 8 hours is recommended. Ensure that you are getting adequate hours of rest. Your sleep will energize you for the next day. It will help you wake up feeling rejuvenated, which can then encourage you to choose joy. Did you know that if you move each day and fill your head with positive information and thoughts you will probably have a better night’s sleep?
Most of us want to feel happy, but that is a choice each of us must make. I hope that today, surrounded by uncertainty, you will wake up with joy in your heart, that you will choose to smile, to find laughter, to move daily, and to make the most out of every moment and heartbeat you have been given.
Follow these simple guidelines in the gym to maintain good health, and to show consideration for others:
Wipe down all mats and equipment both before and after use. Most gyms have bottles of sanitizing solution and towel dispensers, or antiseptic wipes forwiping surfaces. Wipe handles, headrests,and footrests on machines. Don’t forget to wipe dumbbell and barbell gripping surfaces.
Wash hands often, especially after working out. The US Center for Disease Control recommends fives steps when washing hands:
1. Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap,
and apply soap.
2. Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap.
3. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds.
4. Rinse your hands well under clean, running water.
Avoid touching your face when working out. Specifically, avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth to limit the transmission of germs. If you must scratch an itch, use the inside of your shirt or another article of clothing.
Bring a small, clean towel for personal use during exercise. This towel should not be used for wiping gym surfaces. Use the supplies provided by the gym for wiping down equipment.
Do not come to the gym if you are ill, or if you are coughing and sneezing.
See if a doctor if you are not feeling well, if you are running a temperature, or if your cough persists or gets worse.
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