April is helping find ways to protect our environment. April 22nd is Earth Day. There are many initiatives that you can find in your community that you can take part in. I have compiled a list of ways you can make a difference. If everyone does their part, together we can make a change. Read More→
Black History Month also known as African American History Month originated in the United States 53 years ago. Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom all observe it for the month of February. Black History Month uses four colours, red, black, green and yellow. These colours represent unity and pride. In 1979, Toronto became the first municipality in Canada to celebrate Black History Month.
One book I read that I would recommend if you want to dive in deep and get into the history is ‘Roots the Saga of an American Family’ by Alex Haley. There is also a mini-documentary series based on his book.
MaryAnna Robbins CSEP-CPT, OFC RHEP – Group Exercise, Resistance Trainer, Yoga Fitness, Pilates Mat Fitness
It’s January 2023 and as many of us begin to take down the Christmas décor, I find it is a great time to put out a few bins and begin the decluttering process. I have been doing some research and have found a few new ways to recycle some household items rather than throwing them in the trash. Here is how to get started, I recommend not doing it all at once as it can get overwhelming. Make a list of all the rooms, drawers, and closets you want to tackle. Put out boxes for garbage, recycling, goodwill, and things you want to hand off to others. I also encourage doing a full clean of the area that you declutter. Read More→
In Flanders fields the poppies grow……this week we will take time to commemorate the veterans that served our country. Have you found your poppy and placed it on your lapel? Do you know the meaning of the poppy and what it represents? Instead of just wearing it, take the time to find out what it means.
There are usually three colors to the poppy; red for the color of the flower, green for the leaf, and black for the center. It is thought that the red part of the poppy represents the blood that was shed for those that gave their lives for us. The black center represents the mourning of the families that never welcomed one home. The green leaf represents the new crops that grow and bloom after the war.
This November I hope you will take time to remember those that have fought and served and the ones that continue to serve our country. I feel it is also important to educate and teach our own so that they too can understand why we celebrate Remembrance Day.
You’ve heard it before, “just focus on the positive”. While the intention is good, the phrase often comes off as dismissive, especially as many are having mixed – and very real – feelings about their current circumstances. “Be positive”, or “look on the bright side” may not help you find the state of mind that you wish for, and denying your feelings of grief, sadness, or negativity has its own consequences.
Cue gratitude, the practice of taking note of what is going right and feeling appreciation or thankfulness.
According to studies, gratitude is associated with higher levels of emotional wellbeing. People who are grateful feel less pain, less stress, suffer insomnia less, have stronger immune systems, experience healthier relationships, and do better academically and professional. Psychology Today (December 23, 2019)
Deborah Connors, a workplace coach explains: “When we express gratitude, our brains release dopamine and serotonin (the so-called “happiness hormones”), which change the way we take in information, opening our minds to new ideas and allowing us to become more resilient, engaged, optimistic, and creative. We even sleep better and have more of a sense of purpose”. Deborah Conners (November 9, 2021)
Sounds great, so how do you do it? It’s much simpler than you think, and of the many habits to improve wellbeing this one is very manageable in a busy schedule. It doesn’t need to take any longer than a few minutes (unless you want to take longer, in which case go for it!).
Find your favorite pen, some paper, or a notebook you’ve been trying to figure out what to do with.
Think about 3 things you are thankful for – big or small, significant, or seemingly insignificant – and write them down. Try to do it at the same time each day whether at the start with coffee/tea, during a mid-day break, or in bed before you go to sleep.
Our current reality is that this pandemic is still with us. The statistics are showing us that children are being affected more so than before. Many of you have probably had children or children that you know go through an isolation. At first, it probably feels a bit overwhelming getting the notice that your children must stay home, no community and the only place they can go to is the forest. School is very important and important for children, but instead of looking at the isolation negatively, what if we could make it into a positive experience for our children. I like to call it “The School of Life.” There are many life skills that children can learn at a young age if they are exposed to or given the opportunity. These life skills can help them feel accomplished, confident, and happy.
In this season that has surely been different for all of us, I believe it is important to have an attitude of gratitude, every day give thanks and find your joy.
I truly love summer, the swimming, warm sunny days, and trips to the beach, but there is something about fall, maybe it’s back to routine or everything pumpkin, but it truly is a lovely season. As we continue to walk in this pandemic, I think it’s important that we look at each season with excitement and find fun things to do each and every day that can help us remain positive and happy.
It has been a great summer and a lot of you have been privileged to work at home over the last year and a half, but now it’s back to work and school routines.
I think it is fair to say I have always cared a great deal about our environment, I have recycled, have done my best to buy local, walk when I could instead of drive, reduce plastic, reuse bags, etc. However when I moved to BC in 2018 my awareness of protecting the environment became greater and I have continued to find ways to do better and do my part in making our place that much better. Here are five easy things you can do to help.Read More→
Curtis Health Is Partnering With Kintec: Footwear + Orthotics
Kintec is offering all Curtis clients (including friends and family) expert shoe fitting to best suit your needs at a 15% discount on regular price footwear.