Boundaries are important, especially as we return to more routines.
School routines, extracurricular activities for children and adults are upon us. It is good to get back to a more rigid routine, but it is very important to create healthy boundaries.
The first week with back to school and programs starting up can feel a bit overwhelming, but once you settle into your new schedule things will calm down. Here are a few easy tips of mine to ensure healthy boundaries are created to keep you and your family feeling well.
- Saying No is Healthy – if you know it is just going to be too much, just say no. Many of us think it is bad to say no, it is healthy for your overall wellbeing if you can say no. If prevents burnout and stress. The more you do it, the easier it will become.
- Avoid Eating on the Run – if you are finding that you and your family are eating on the run, more regular than not, you may want to look at your schedule. Scarfing down food in the car between appointments is a clear sign you have too much going on.
- Late or on Time – If you are unable to regularly be on time for anything, I suggest you set alarms to leave earlier or once again look at the schedule and see what you can let go of or change around. Ask for help if it is needed.
- Carve out Time for Yourself – This is a must. If you don’t take time for yourself to workout, read a book, be quiet, whatever it is that makes you feel like you took time for yourself, make sure it is done daily. You feel accomplished, it rejuvenates yourself and overall keeps you feeling good.
If you are used to running yourself down and taking on too much, making these changes might take some time to getting used to, but I assure you will start to feel some changes both mentally, physically, and emotionally.
MaryAnna Robbins CSEP-CPT, OFC RHEP – Group Exercise, Resistance Trainer, Yoga Fitness, Pilates Mat Fitness