Below is a review of the Carrot Rewards App from our very own Laurie B.
Laurie is a Fitness Professional, not a millenial and self proclaimed “technologically challenged” person. She “gets” this app, you will too….
This is a FREE healthy lifestyle website and/or APP made in conjunction with the Province of B.C. You register and choose the partner you want to earn points with, such as your SCENE card toward free movies. You get a nice welcome bonus and then 10 or more points per play.
Short, informative questionnaires are available to answer every few days that teach you about nutrition, activity and other healthy topics. Although I am a Personal Trainer I have learned a few interesting facts and I can see the level of knowledge expected from the general public.
I have not tried the STEP feature, but one is available, and they offer prizes and challenges. Recommended for general engagement in a healthy lifestyle.
I like the app because they send messages to play, but not too many messages and the topics vary quite a bit. (I like points and just went to a free movie thanks to carrot rewards – it was Ocean’s 8 in case you want to know)
Download in Apple or Google Play Store.